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Matthew 10:42
And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward. KJV

FOFM sponsors needy children in the Philippines so that they may attend school and have needed supplies. It also sponsors mission trips for individuals and sponsors children for Christian camps. Camps and trips are funded through one time donations. School children are sponsored by donations from individuals committing to pledge $25 a month for the period of one year. Money is distributed by a FOFM board member to a representative in the Philippines. FOFM also sponsors accident insurance for over 65 children.

The cost to sponsor a child is $25 a month. This covers books, tuition, transportation, school uniforms, projects and lunch. All of the money goes to the children; all administrative costs are covered by the ministry. All sponsors will receive a picture and two letters a year from their child. We encourage the sponsors to send a picture and two letters a year also. All correspondence will go through the ministry.

The sponsorship fees can be paid as follows $25 monthly; $75 quarterly; $150 semi-annually; or $300 annually.

To Sponsor a child

and contact us via email at:
